To All the Friends I've Lost
To All the Friends I've Lost
The Days Are Long but the War is Short
We all have a big milestone this year. I can’t help but look back, sometimes.
The time we drive across the country to see our friends, or go to Miami, or play a show, or see the Celtics. I’ll always love you for that.
I prayed for each of your marriages tonight. I’d never want you to go through what I did. God forbid.
Somehow He chose me for this, just this suffering and trial, just like He chose you to be my friends.
And somehow you weren’t there when I was in jail. You disappeared. You had other things going on. I thought it would break me.
I’d still drop everything for you. I still love each of you. You just showed me who you are, not who I am. I can’t blame you. But giving you back what you gave me isn’t love.
I love with all the fire of the Holy Spirit, not with the dying embers of man. It's the only way to be truly alive, and the only way I can make such a wild claim.
Pray for me. I miss my daughters. Some days I’m so weak. I know you’ve been there with me so many times, even if you’re not now.
Remember my chains, and I’ll remember yours.